This is our letter to the editor of our local newspaper. It is a letter of appreciation for all who helped with the Spagetti Dinner fundraiser which was held on Rianne's behalf on May 8, 2010.
We would like to express our sincerest thanks to all of you who attended and/or contributed to the spaghetti feed held on behalf of my wife, Rianne Becker. We thank you all for your love and support.
Thank you to Pam Hunter for creating, organizing, decorating and managing the event. Thank you to Nancy Aldrich for your amazing work in the kitchen. Thank you to Katie Hensley for your contributions and your help organizing, decorating and managing the spaghetti feed. Thank to you Karen Stuart, Becky Howlett, Tammy Oliver, Debra Way and Josh Howlett for your help and generosity at the event. Thank you Eddie and Tom for rallying with the bullhorn! Thank you Don, Rilea and Michelle for your help at the event. You all are appreciated and we are very grateful for your efforts.
Thank you to all of you who donated for the event. Thank you to Mike Wallace, Trish Kerr, Caryn Merica, Carol Noble, Ray’s Food Place, McKays Market, Sweetbriar, Gold Beach High School and anyone else who made donations – you too are all appreciated.
Thank you to all of you who attended the spaghetti feed – we hope you enjoyed the outstanding food and desserts! Thank you for your generous contributions on Rianne’s behalf. Your love, support and contributions are all appreciated.
On April 1st, Rianne was diagnosed with a Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. The cancer has changed our lives! But once again, our great community has proven to us how special it really is to live here. All of your love, generosity and support have been absolutely humbling, heartfelt and very much appreciated.
Rianne and I would like to invite our community to visit our new weblog, which we hope will help keep you all updated on Rianne’s progress throughout her treatment. The address is .
Lastly, please feel free to call us, text us, visit our Facebook sites, visit the Blog or chat when you see us. Your friendship, love and support give us great strength during this very difficult time in our lives.
Once again, thank you all for everything you have done for us. You make us very proud to be living here in Gold Beach!
The Spagetti Feed was a huge success. Thanks again everyone for your hard work, love, support and contributions. We appreciate it all very much.
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